Alibaba (NYSE:BABA) is a good stock to own for long term investment. Listed below are major reasons to buy Alibaba stock.

finviz dynamic chart for BABA

  • Alibaba stock is undervalued. Since Alibaba stock shares are valued at enterprise multiple of 24.5 in comparison to Amazon which has 39.3 enterprise multiple, it is more attractive to own.
  • Alibaba is China’s E-Commerce leader. It holds a 55.9% share of total retail sales in China, which is three times the market share of, which has 16.7% market share.
  • Alibaba owns delivery service, which is the second largest platform in China.
  • Alibaba’s AliCloud cloud services business is the market leader in China, which has market share of 46%.
  • Alibaba owns 33% of Ant Financial. Ant Financial is the company behind Alipay which is one of the most popular mobile apps in China. Ant Financial also has wealth management and lending business. Whenever Ant Financial go public, Alibaba 33% stake will be worth around $70 billion. This will increase Alibaba stock price.

For investors looking for long term stock investment, Alibaba stock is a good stock to own because Alibaba will continuously be dominant in e-Commerce in China and Asia-Pacific countries.

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