PayPal (NASDAQ: PYPL) is the most popular electronic payment company. PayPal is a must-own stock for growth investors. These are the reasons why investors should own this stock.

finviz dynamic chart for PYPL

  • PayPal stock’s five-year performance tops all of the FAANG components related stocks.
  • PayPal has a very solid balance sheet, with more than $14.1 billion in cash, which top its liabilities.
  • PayPal has over 65 million users.
  • PayPal has top management leading the company. The management is making all the right moves.
  • PayPal has the ability to generate steady and above-average growth. PayPal has beat earnings estimates in 19 of the past 20 quarters.
  • PayPal platform will allow customers to buy, sell and hold various cryptocurrencies.
  • PayPal has the inside track on the future of e-payments.

In conclusion, investors should own PayPal as a growth stock for long term.

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