Wise Bread (https://www.wisebread.com/), founded by Greg Go, Lynn Truong and Will Chen in 2006, is a United States-based financial advice website that offers help with personal finance, life hacks, and advice about buying goods and services.

Wise Bread Mission: Live large on a small budget

We believe people on a budget can still enjoy fabulous and fun lives. And now that saving money is a trendy subject, it’s cooler than ever to get started. But you won’t catch us telling you how to painfully squeeze the last drop out of everything in life. We won’t be suggesting that cheap is synonymous with thrifty. In fact, if you are living a truly frugal lifestyle, you’ll only appear to be paying top dollar for the finer things in life, even as your wallet stays fat and happy.

We want to guide a new generation of money-conscious readers—one that oozes class, loves having fun, and knows that life is exactly what you make of it (and not how much you make). We are here to share tips that will help you live large without sacrificing your financial independence.

Wise Bread will help you discover:

  • Savvy shopping tips to keep you stylish, sassy, and solvent.
  • Financial advice that is easy to understand and easy to apply.
  • Career and money-making ideas that’ll add zeros to your bank account.
  • General adulthood know-how your parents forgot to tell you.

Wise Bread Writers: As varied as our readers

The writers of Wise Bread come from a rich array of backgrounds. Among our ranks are financial consultants, homemakers, journalists, career counselors, professors, and even professional hobos!

In conclusion, Wise Bread is a top financial advice website that offers advice on personal finance, frugality, career, travel, and deals and discounts.

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