( is a government-operated website that offers its own unique spin on personal finance. It has information about earning, borrowing, saving, investing, spending, and protecting your money. Other popular pages include financial tools and money quizzes. This site provides information for the following five topics: MyMoneyFive; Life Events; Tools; Crypto-Assets; Tribal and Native.

This website is a product of the Congressionally chartered Federal Financial Literacy and Education Commission (FLEC), which is made up of more than 24 Federal entities that are coordinating and collaborating to strengthen financial capability and increase access to financial services for all Americans. The Commission was established by the Financial Literacy and Education Improvement Act, Title V of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (P.L. 108-159). The Secretary of the Treasury chairs the Commission, and the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is the vice-chair.

First, this website is useful for researchers because it is a clearinghouse of federally funded research reports, articles and datasets on financial capability and related topics. Next, this website is useful for teachers and educators because it provides curricula, lesson plans, tip sheets, guidance and helpful tools for teaching financial capability. Finally, this website provides information, games and fun facts about money, saving and planning for the future. Therefore, this website is useful for anyone who wants to learn about personal finance.

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