Dividend.com (https://www.dividend.com/) is among the largest financial services website, focused on providing comprehensive dividend stock research information, in the form of daily articles, data, and ratings. Dividend.com is owned and operated by Mitre Media II LLC. Dividend.com research utilizes their proprietary DARS™, or Dividend Advantage Rating System, to rank nearly 1,600 dividend-paying stocks. DARS™ (Dividend Advantage Rating System) rates dividend stocks across five distinct criteria: relative strength, overall yield attractiveness, dividend reliability, dividend uptrend, and earnings growth. It has over a million monthly readers. Dividend.com offers free content, such as user articles, stock screeners, and investment strategies, to the general public.
There is an option to sign up for a premium membership on this website, which gives members specialized information on dividend investing data and the ability to track their portfolios. The stock screener offered on this website provides detailed information on each stock, including dividend history, financial metrics, and company news, allowing investors to make informed investment decisions with confidence. Its daily content is featured on such major finance portals as TheStreet.com, RealMoney.com, Forbes.com, AOL Money & Finance, Google Finance, and Nasdaq.com.