Mortgage News Daily (, headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, provides mortgage news, videos, market data and mortgage rates for consumers and industry professionals.

For industry professionals, Mortgage News Daily serves as a leading source of breaking news, information, expert commentary and opinion. The growing lineup of contributors combines the expertise of the housing industry’s leading minds with the power of social media to offer an always lively, constantly evolving web community.

For consumers, Mortgage News Daily provides education via thousands of pages of information related to mortgage, real estate and housing matters. Through the collaborative environment created by Mortgage News Daily, professional members of our community have answered thousands of questions submitted by consumers, creating a vast knowledge base. Combined with our search engine presence, this library of information draws 10’s of thousands of consumers to our website each week.

As a result of the social nature of our news and data platform, Mortgage News Daily has created unprecedented conversation between industry professionals and consumers.

Currently, there are 1,000,000 Unique Visitors Per Month, 2.5 Million Page Views Per Month and 70,000+ Subscribers to this website.

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