ValueWalk (, founded in 2011, is a highly regarded, non-partisan site – the website provides unique coverage on hedge funds, large asset managers, and value investing.  ValueWalk also contains archives of famous investors, and features many investor resource pages. The owner and Editor in Chief for this site is Jacob Wolinsky

Many academics claim investing is a “random walk”. We believe this to be only partially true. It is our core belief that value investing can outperform the market, hence the name “ValueWalk”. is well known throughout the value investing community to be a key source for both current and continuously relevant content.  It is read on a daily basis by senior level executives at the largest banks, hedge funds, asset managers and Fortune 500 companies. Readers can follow us using the android or ios apps.

The website has gained in popularity around the investment world due to its breaking stories regarding hedge funds, and investigative reports on investments by major funds- stories regarding performance, personnel changes, and any significant events for large/famous hedge funds.

ValueWalk is considered an authoritative financial news source especially in the asset management industry, and is frequently cited as a source in industry research.

ValueWalk’s content is free – the newsletter is also 100% free. The website has also broken major technology, politics and business news. 

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