Dividend.com (https://www.dividend.com/) is a financial services website focused on providing comprehensive dividend stock research information, in the form of daily articles, data, and ratings. Dividend.com is owned and operated by Mitre Media II LLC. Dividend.com research utilizes their proprietary DARS™, or Dividend Advantage Rating System, to rank nearly 1,600 dividend-paying stocks. DARS™ (Dividend Advantage Rating System) rates dividend stocks across five distinct criteria: relative strength, overall yield attractiveness, dividend reliability, dividend uptrend, and earnings growth.

Dividend.com offers free content available to the general public as well as premium subscription service.

This site offers a range of specialized tools that not only keep track of your dividends and portfolio, but also help optimizes them for the highest returns.

Dividend.com’s productivity tools help you estimate future income via payout estimates, create dividend watchlists, provide in-depth analysis on dividends, and see any future changes.

They have lists of monthly dividends, dividends by sector, and model portfolios to help you maximize yield, returns, growth, or risk, depending on your preferences.


  • Model portfolios for all investor types
  • Best Sector Dividend Stocks, Best Monthly Dividend Stocks, and Best Dividend Capture lists
  • Dividend Watchlists
  • Dividend Ratings
  • News and Research
  • Dividend Tracker
  • Free and Premium plans

In conclusion, Dividend.com is the best website to research on dividends related stocks for investors.

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